5KTQ no start

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 29 17:39:15 EST 2000

My 86 has joined the current legion of hard to start 5KTQs.
It starts fine after sitting overnight, however after a short
shut down 1/2 hr to 3 hours, the car will not start unless cranked for
30-60 seconds with accelerator floored.  In the mean time it does not flood, 
I assume it is fuel/sensor related.  It did this for a week in
the summer but went away, I thought vapor lock, with outside temps in the 
teens and 20's I really don't know. I also thought pressure accumulator, but 
I used to run the fuel pump ground for my overboost spring, and even with 
the pump bringing pressure up for 30 sec before the attempted start, 
nothing. The only associated symptom seems to be a decrease recently in 
mileage of ~15%.
Ideas welcome.
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