Type 44 fuel pump blockage

isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk
Sat Dec 30 10:58:12 EST 2000

knotnook at traverse.com wrote:

> Didn't Audi put out a TSB calling for removal of the screen in the bottom 
> of the pump?  I supposed the tank coating got whirled into fine enough 
> pieces while being pumped that it didn't plug up the fuel filter.

Wouldn't mind seeing the TSB, if anyone has a copy.

tech at flashmail.com wrote:

> i don't know but on mine i just poked a hole in the screen,
> not very professional.. but worked from then on.

Tom.Thomas at doa.state.wi.us wrote:

> I thought the Audi fix involves removing the screen from the bottom of the
> pump and letting the fuel filter deal with the debris.  Doesn't sound like
> the best route to me, though... I would think sending this stuff through the
> pump wouldn't be good.

josh at spiny.com wrote:

> Removing the pump screen is the officially approved fix, along with 
> more frequent filter changes. I guess they figure the tank coating 
> will pass right through the pump without causing damage.

There aren't any screens in front of the pump on the ur-quattro - Audi
deleted the sediment trap via TSB as well.  The problem on this car
is that the intake is on the bottom of the pump - my Passat had an
in-tank pump, but it was screenless and sat in a basket that performed
that function.  There was crud underneath it when I took it out,
but plenty of clean sidewall screen for fuel to flow through.

It's blocked again, despite careful tank cleaning.  It's coming out -
you can't have a car that mysteriously stops every few hundred miles.


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