Kneale Brownson
knotnook at
Sat Dec 30 14:10:05 EST 2000
I get CRC electricla contact cleaner at my local real auto parts store (not
a chain). Ironically, the place is called Art's Auto Electric.
At 10:18 PM 12/29/2000 -0500, Tom Donohue wrote:
>Back in the good old days when I lived in PA, CRC was an advertising
>client of mine...believe they were headquartered in Warrington or
>Warminster, north of Phila. We did a number of commercials featuring
>(the late, great) Al Holbert and got tons of free product, including
>carb cleaners, brake cleaners, electrical stuff, as well as the main
>product(CRC-56??) vs. the main competitor (W*-40) , for our efforts.
>I'm still using the little that I have left. Unfortunately for me,
>since I have been in New England these past 15 years, I can't find the
>stuff. Anyway, if anyone has a line on where it's available, I'd buy
>some! HTH, Tom
>Edward J Kellock wrote:
> > I've called at least 20 different places here and
> > no can find.
> >
> > What about using CRC. Seems to be readily available.
> > I've used it before, but wanted to try "the good stuff".
> > I'll probably mail-order some, but I would like to get
> > my dash back together this weekend. So I'm thinking
> > I'll just use CRC.
> >
> > There are electrics stores and then Radio Shack who
> > all have some type of spray other than De-Oxit. Might
> > one of those still be better than CRC since they seem
> > to be favored and available at electronics stores and
> > most of the auto parts places have CRC?
> >
> > TIA
> > Ed
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