Eurolights, slush and blizzards

Doyt W. Echelberger Doyt at
Sat Dec 30 15:22:27 EST 2000

Not to worry, Avi. The challenge of driving with the stock lights for the 
past few years has triggered a genetic mutation in my vision, and I can now 
get around in almost total darkness.  The human genome is capable of many 
surprises.  Driving with good lights might be more than my adapted system 
could tolerate.

But I am willing to take that risk.

Thanks for the specific reference. Cibie Airport series clear 
fogs.........yes, I like the sound of that.

At 09:41 AM 12/30/00 -0800, you wrote:
Brother Doyt,
Think about it this way: if you are starting with such a low level of light
(stock lights) how much is it going to take to obstruct them? Not much?
My suggestion for Aux lights is "Cibie Airport series clear fogs", they will
bit anything out there, trust me I tried..............

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