Eurolights, slush and blizzards

James McElroy jmcelroy at
Sat Dec 30 19:48:22 EST 2000

    I've had my 87 4000csq for about two years now, and maybe my eyes are
adjusting to those poor excuse for headlights Audi, or the D.O.T. , stuck us
    One very dark morning, I was driving south on N.H. Rt 106 at 4:00 AM,
and I could see a deer up ahead on the edge of the road. I was doing about
70 mph and decided to brake just incase the deer decided to cross in front
of me. Sure enough he did, and without locking the brakes up I came to a
complete stop, and so did the deer. Right dead center, 10 feet away, in
front of the car. No GORE from the BUSH.

Jim McElroy

> Message: 9
> Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 15:22:27 -0500
> To: avim at
> From: "Doyt W. Echelberger" <Doyt at>
> Subject: RE: Eurolights, slush and blizzards
> Cc: quattro at
> Not to worry, Avi. The challenge of driving with the stock lights for the
> past few years has triggered a genetic mutation in my vision, and I can
> get around in almost total darkness.  The human genome is capable of many
> surprises.

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