I thought this was illegal.... S8 on Ebay

Rave Racer Ravewar at home.com
Sat Dec 30 22:55:43 EST 2000

        The moral debate on this is not something I will start (or even
pretend to have the ability to win) but it seems like the Playstation 2
scenario.  PS2's are sold out everywhere months in advance, until Christmas.
That's when you find out where they all went.  In every newspaper and
classified ads column across, well at least the Toronto area, PS2's were
being advertised for between double and triple their commercial price by
private individuals who had the money to put thousands of dollars on
deposits, just to make them that much more expensive for those of us that
didn't have the money to buy them before they disappeared.  That's what
should be illegal.
            And where is that Gran tourismo 2000, with the old AUDI rally
cars (MAC), any way?  It was supposed to be out within 2 weeks of the
consoles release date.  Stoopid capatalists.

> What's illegal about capitalism?  He has something worth value to someone,
> and someone will probably pay for it.
> Plain and simple.

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