4kq rear clunks

Graham Thackrah ggthack at swansea.ac.uk
Wed Nov 1 10:15:23 EST 2000

Can't remember who was asking but anyway, I had one (left hand one) of my
propshaft carrier bearing captive bolts re-captivated (!) yesterday and my
clunky rear end has all but vanished. Now, there's still some noise from the
rear exhaust joint hitting the rear diff (probably due to dodgy alignment
caused by a welding job on the rear box?) but the general clunking over bumps is
nowhere near as bad as it was before.

If you've got a rear clunk try looking a bit further forward and inspecting the
propshaft bearing carrier bolts for any play/looseness rather than anything
wrong with the rear suspension diff etc, especially if, like me, you've already
replaced the two easily accessible rear diff mounts and the third, central
mount checks out fine.


1985 90q.

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