Forums + Forums ?!

Rave Racer 2000 Ravewar at
Thu Nov 2 03:49:38 EST 2000

----- Original Message -----
From: Jon Linkov <njconn at>
To: Mike Arman <armanmik at>; <quattro at>
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 7:25 PM
Subject: RE: Forums + Forums ?!

> As much as I agree that it is silly to combine the two, I WILL say, in
> defense of people on Audiworld, that there is a LOT of knowledge
> (particularly track knowledge, for example) on the site. I used to
> it when it was new and unique. To be honest, this site put me off for a
> while when I had my new A4 (1996). As I grew more knowledgeable about
> I appreciated this list more and more. Coincidentally, Audiworld grew more
> juvenile.
> But dismissing the entire population on that site is just as bad as
> dismissing all Audifans members as "old farts who are pissed they can't
> afford a new S4." Both are equally wrong and both are equally
        HEY!  I'm not pissed I can't afford a new S4, I'm pissed because I
had to get a loan to afford my 4000!!  And I'm not old either.
        But I agree on everything else.

> Just my $.02. Since I frequent the track events forums on Audiworld (the
> only forum I go to there) and recieve the full Audifans list, I guess I'm
> one of the few who is hated by both memberships! :-)

        I don't hate you.  Misguided maybe, but in a freindly way.  : )

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