3 car-seat wagon?

Per Lindgren lindgre at online.no
Fri Nov 3 01:06:53 EST 2000

Jens wrote:

> Hi Rob!
> > Which, if any, of the Avants are capable of holding 3 car seats in the
> > back seat?
> I don't have any kids (yet?), so no info on that.
> > Alternatively, do any of them hold 7 passengers?
> Yes, at least in Germany (Europe?) the Type44 Avants could be ordered
> with 2 additional seats facing backwards.
> If not used, they would lie flat in the lower trunk. If you need them,
> you fold them up and have seven seats combined.
> The backs of the conventional and new rear seats would be close
> together. I hope you can imagine from my description how it looks.

This was available on the type C4 Avant too.

> Don't ask me how large you could be to have a comfortable ride in those:
> I don't know.

The manual for my car (previous, that is) stated that the rearward facing
seat was only for children under 12 years of age.

> I don't think there were safety head rests on those, further I don't
> know if the ones from the standard seats were used all rear seats.

Yes, the headrests in the regular backseat does duble duty as headrests for
the rearward facing seat.

> (Hm, not too much help, sorry. If interested, I can search for any pics
> in my old brochures.)
> > I need the ability to transport 3 kids in carseats plus 2 adults..
> Good luck!

If one of the carseats can manage with only the lap belt, you shoud be able
to fit all three seats in the rear of the C4 Avant; it is a large car with
plenty of space. If that car isnt big enough for you, get a Eurovan! It's
got an Audi engine too!

92 Cab 2,3

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