ABS cacaphony

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 2 18:00:12 EST 2000

--- George Tur <gtur at lucent.com> wrote:
> What should the brake bias be?  Does it vary from
> model to model? I
> image it does. Any quantitative way of measuring
> brake bias?

Of course Audi has a $5k device to do this, along with
pressure specs.  Bentley shows a nice picture of it. 
I don't know what anyone else does, but with the ABS
off, I see which wheel or wheels lock.  I just adjust
the spring pull on the bias lever until the brakes
behave as I like.  I'm not telling you to do this, or
even that it's right, but it is what I did.  If I'm
wrong or there's an easier way, feel free to flame me.

Jim Accordino

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