Turn Signals Inoperable...

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Nov 4 19:07:40 EST 2000

Check the wires where the trunk lid flexes the harness.  Same problem as 
the wires in the doorjambs.

At 12:59 PM 11/04/2000 -0500, Mitchell S. Haskins wrote:

>         I sent this out before, but I didn't get a response.
>         My turn signals have gone out.  All bulbs and fuses are good, as 
> every once
>in a while, I get a flash from the left signal.  I pulled the package shelf
>under the steering column, and made sure all the relays are seated properly,
>and STILL no turn signals.  Has my relay went?  If so, which one is it?  If
>not, am I looking at a $$$ repair?  Any advice would be extremely helpful,
>as this is my daily driver, and I don't have another car to use.
>1988 Audi 90 Quattro
>                 Mitchell S. Haskins

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