Metal Radiator - Where the $%^&!

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Sun Nov 5 23:27:39 EST 2000

Did you try:

At 09:12 PM 11/05/2000 -0500, Brendan/Coolian wrote:

>All right, I'm at the end of my rope.  I've gone through the archives, and 
>called all of the places given in the threads about where to pick up an 
>all-metal radiator for the 4kq. Either they said "Yeah, sure" and when I 
>asked them to check out if it was all-metal, they would give the reply of 
>"Oh, Geez, no.".
>So, where the heck can I find a place willing to ship to Massachusetts?
>Brendan Barry
>Boston, Massachusetts
>1987 Audi 4000 quattro - "Suzanne"
>* Red\Leather/Bitchy *

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