V8 Oil question

isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk
Tue Nov 7 13:40:49 EST 2000

> I'm dreading your responses.  I was driving home from work a little
> over a week ago, when my car started smoking from the engine, and
> smelled like burning oil.  I popped the hood, and there was oil sprayed
> all over the left side of the engine.  I looked closer, and the dip
> stick was pushed up about 2".  I pushed the dip stick back in, wiped off
> the engine, and drove another mile down the road, when it started
> smoking even worse then before.  I pulled off again, same scenario.  I
> grabbed a bungy chord from the trunk (very useful item) and fastened it
> around the air inlet tube and dip stick to hold down it down (yes, I
> made sure and checked the oil before I drove on) and continued home.
> When I got there, I filled up the oil, replaced the o-ring on the dip
> stick, and verified it wasn't leaking.  I left the next morning for
> Dallas, and got back last week.  When I returned, I forgot to take off
> the bungy cord.  This morning, I smelled the oil burning again, and when
> I got to work, popped the hood, and pulled out the dipstick.  I heard a
> hissing sound from deep in the crank case, and it sounded like it was
> gonna blow.  There was a little oil spray, and it's down about 1/4
> quart.  Any advise?

Sounds to me like a sudden breather blockage.  At least, I'd start
by checking in there.  Crankcase pressure can get pretty high if the
breathers block - I've seen a rear crank seal pushed out.

As an aside - this kind of thing tends to happen in cars that get
oil topped up a lot without frequent changes.  Putting 11 litres in
as 'top-up' does NOT equate to a full change.

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone: 07785 302803   Fax: 07785 309674

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