Audi vs. Subaru sales

Kevin Phillips kevphill at
Tue Nov 7 09:01:48 EST 2000

>Yes, Audis are fun to drive, but it doesn't mean they couldn't clean up
>their act in terms the things Andrew mentioned. Enjoying a particular brand
>doesn't mean you can't hope for better engineering.
>Enjoying maintenance is fine too, but that doesn't mean you should be happy
>to shell out thousands a year, or give up half your weekends, to fix known
>defects (not lack of preventative maintenance). There are many examples:
>steering rack, bomb, radiators, wiring, and the list goes on.

>Other companies have accomplished remarkably low repair incident rates
which means
>Audi could too.

I don't agree with this last statement though.
Back in England I drove a Toyota Carina E for a company car in 92-93. It was
fantastic in every way EXCEPT the gearbox broke 5 times in 140,000 miles. It
would start to slip out of 5th gear and quickly get worse, a coke can would
hold it in place for a while but then force it out of the way. The last time
it happened was terminal and it was flat bedded away, jammed solid. 5 of the
other cars had 5th gear problems as well but 2 never did.
Other problems were O2 sensors replaced in most of them once, wires in
drivers door jambs cracking and flaky alarm systems.
Oh and one threw a con rod out the side after EXTREME abuse from a pissed
off employee, that poor engine still tried to idle and would power the car.

Kevin Phillips, W.Mass
1990 200TQ 136,000 miles
1995 Saab 900 SET Ragtop 107,000 miles

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