paint shops in Maine?

Nick Stuart thecolony at
Wed Nov 8 17:01:13 EST 2000

Hi all,

After the great guys at Maco got a hold of my car before we had it my '87
5000cstq is in desperate need of a paint job. No rust, major dents or
anything just cracking/drying paint that looks horrible. I was wandering if
any listers in Maine ever got a repaint and have recommendations? I already
got one quote and it was around $1,600. This sounds reasonable, but not sure
because I have no experince with these shops.

Also, on a completly different note, I am looking to get some HR springs
with boge shocks. Has anyone else done this to there 5k's? If so how much
difference did it make in handling/appearence and what not. Just wandering
if the springs are worth it or if just the boge will make a big enough

Thanks for the help,
Nick Stuart
'87 5kcstq

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