V6 weaknesses?

Sean Ford audi_92_100cs at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 8 16:31:26 EST 2000

--- Tom Nas <tnas at euronet.nl> wrote:
> Hi all,
> A friend of mine, one-time type 89 owner, has finally responded to my
> ongoing Audi indoctrination and is looking to buy a B4 80 Avant with
> the 
> 12v V6 ('95-on).

I'd say you're in a fairly nice range, '95+,  of V6 development. The
'92 was problematic (ask me how I know), the '93 less so, the '94 even
better, and so on. The '95 incorporates a better head oiling system, as
well, so I'd say your friend is doing pretty well for himself.

BTW, when I saw the subject line I was tempted to answer, simply, yes.

Sean Ford
audi_92_100CS at yahoo.com
'92 Audi 100CS 5-spd non-q
'00 Triumph Daytona 955i
'89 Suzuki Katana 600

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