5k leaning out

Orin Eman orin at WOLFENET.com
Sat Nov 11 11:49:29 EST 2000

> You are definately running lean at that boost level. You should back of the
> boost a bit and get an EGT gauge.
> These engines rev very freely when everything is ok, it feels like a joke to
> shift just above 6k. But without enough fuel it 'dies' at 5k. I think that
> it is the knock retard that makes the largest difference.

About 4800 RPM the knock retard hits in full force and you get that
driving through molasses feeling.  I remapped my ECU's timing
to prevent the knock retard (running at 1.8 bar) and it pulls
cleanly past 6k RPM.  More fuel will tend to have the same effect
by cooling things down and helping prevent knock.


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