changing lifters...

JShadzi at JShadzi at
Sat Nov 11 23:57:48 EST 2000

In a message dated 11/11/00 8:15:40 PM Pacific Standard Time, 
kbogach at writes:

<< Hi all.
 My 200tq 89 has terrible noise from lifters (BTW, I use syntetic 5-50).
 I bought lifters and was going to do change them myself. Talking to my
 michanic (good mechanic but doesn't have experience with Audis) I
 mentioned my plans. He said that I might need to measure space for every
 valve and adjust each lifter with shims. I found a lot of mail in
 archive about lifters but I did not see somebody mentioned such
 adjustment. Is it really needed?
 Thank you.

    Your mechanic brings up an insightful point, but you have hydraulic 
lifters in your 200 (all Audis since about '85) and they are self adjusting.  
They do get old and will not hydraulically pump up as they should, and need 
to be replaced about every 150k miles or so.

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