wheels locking up on 4kq

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sun Nov 12 11:56:05 EST 2000

At 10:26 AM 11/12/2000 -0500, Doyt W. Echelberger wrote:

>When I had an 86 4kq, I had to replace the rear calipers and cables, 
>because the emergency cable cams on both calipers had corroded and locked 
>up, and the cable internals had rusted. So, your problem has happened to 
>other people. I suspect that annual dabbings with grease on those EB cable 
>ends and cams would be a good idea, along with some attention to freeing 
>up and providing adequate lubrication for the guide pins. You might 
>consider replacing the calipers and cables and starting over.
>Doyt Echelberger

I also think flushing the brake fluid regularly (I'm now planning to do 
that each time I switch between winter and summer tires) is 
important.  When I disassembled a 200q20v rear caliper I'd replaced to 
relieve seizing, I found the parking brake actuation assembly still packed 
in grease and corrosion free except for the external lever.  The problem, 
I'm sure, was the rust spots I found in the caliper cylinder bore and on 
the piston.  I think the rust spots kept the spring that's supposed to 
retract the piston from doing its job correctly.

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