Rain and floods...

mike mikemk40 at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 12 14:04:28 EST 2000

well.........our gov (god bless them) tell us it is
all down to CO, global warming etc which is why we
must pay over 4gbp ($6.50) for a gall of petrol


--- MCTXR4 at aol.com wrote: > Here in the Washington, DC
Area, we've had one day
> of rain delivering about a 
> half-inch since September 26!! 
> Why is that day so significant? I spent the morning
> of September 24 sitting 
> in the rain waiting for the US Grand Prix at
> Indianapolis to start seemingly 
> never to end until the GP cars came out to do their
> warm-ups. Then, Voila! It 
> stops raining. 
> The rain followed me home, and has since disappeared
> from Washington.
> Back in the old days, early '60's, we used to blame
> weird weather patterns on 
> Nuclear Bomb tests in Nevada. What's the popular
> weather myth now I wonder? 
> Audi S8's creating atmospheric turbulence? (minimal
> Audi content) 8-)
> Mike Torio

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