More V8 5 spd in Seattle

Per Lindgren lindgre at
Tue Nov 14 02:27:44 EST 2000

Bernard Littau wrote:

>     Power steering pump has major leak, thus the car is not drivable and
> should not be started.

This sounds like BS to me. Why should the car be not driveable with a power
steering leak, and no power brakes? People manged without in the old days! I
once drove a 78 Chevy Caprice wagon with a 400CID Pontiac and 255 front tires
when I lost the power steering (a hose popped off). I have never driven anything
that had that heavy steering. it could still burn rubber though, but the used
car lot manager was not very happy to find we broke the power steering.

92 Cab 2.3

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