Rain and floods...

isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk isham-research.freeserve.co.uk at pop.pol.net.uk
Tue Nov 14 06:42:12 EST 2000

> Advanced?............
> "Over legislated country" ?
> You couldn't be possibly talking about:

> The country that generates over 65% of the green house gases in the world?
> The most polluting collection of large vehicles in the world? SUV anybody?
> The highest infant mortality in the western world?
> The highest % of people without medical insurance, 15-20%?
> The highest % of it's own people incarcerated, more than China Russia?
> The highest poverty level of its citizens in the western world?
> The country that has the smallest % of people that hold over 75% of the
> country income? Bill Gates anybody?
> The country that execute it's own citizens even if they are under age and
> retarded? Only China does worse!
> The country that just elected (possibly) the governor with the worst
> environment record in the 50 states?

> Are you satisfied now? Or do you have any more comments?...................

I'm not sure you can claim all of those.  Percentage incarcerated is
ours, I think.  And smallest number of people with greatest %age
of income has to be somewhere like Kuwait or the Phillipines.

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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