Solved: Trunk lock/release on 93 100CSQ?

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Tue Nov 14 17:32:45 EST 2000

I was able to slide a thin blade in near the ball and then push some 
lubriplate or similar grease in around it.  I couldn't budge the lever with 
my fingers even after getting the grease in, but a light tap with a small 
hammer using a small bar of steel like a nail punch without any point got 
it moving, and then the grease got it nice and loose.

At 01:39 PM 11/14/2000 +0000, hah at wrote:

> >You need to lubricate the lever mechanism.  It corrodes up and "freezes",
> >as will the lock cylinder (behaves like you have the wrong key) if let go
> >too long without lube.
>I had already lubed it, and that helped for a while, but it must have been
>too late for the ball-bearing (or the lube couldn't get in to it) because
>it jammed hard in the unlock-only-by-key mode. I could always open the
>trunk with key, but when the bb jammed, the central locking vacuum actuator
>could not move the lock to the "open" position - the problem was not
>with the levers on the back of the latch that move around and provide the
>central-locking-disconnect function, but with the ball-bearing integral to
>the latch underneath the levers.
>Now it works fine with central locking and with key, but because the
>"memory" feature of the ball bearing has been removed, certain driving
>motions are sufficient to jiggle the latch away from the "open" position.
>For me this is a satisfactory compromise.

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