Solved: Trunk lock/release on 93 100CSQ?

Craig Lebakken lebakken at
Tue Nov 14 16:03:34 EST 2000

Kneale Brownson wrote:

You need to lubricate the lever mechanism.  It corrodes up and "freezes", as
will the lock cylinder (behaves like you have the wrong key) if let go too
long without lube.

This response was for the trunk lock mechanism. It also applies to all of
the locks on the car, (with the exception of the glovebox), as this Team at
Audi obviously collaborated closely with Team Doorhandle. At least an every
other year service item, perhaps every year on the much more oft used
driver's door. About 15 minutes a door - working carefully. Much more if you
strip a screw, or drop the door handle one inside the door.

Craig Lebakken
1986 4KQ

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