More V8 5 spd in Seattle

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Nov 14 18:44:34 EST 2000

--- Bob <mx at> wrote:
> Im not sure its way too much. When I was looking,
> (in this area) that would have
> been the cheapest one I saw. I looked at 2, but saw
> 4 advertised. Cheapest was
> 13k, most expensive was 19K...
> Bob
> The Quattro King wrote:
> > WAY to much $$. Also could be just a beauty with a
> sour core...I don't know

Just some perspective from the other side of the
world.  Saw this today.  90 V8 quattro, doesn't say
that it's an autobox, but it probably is.  $5900. 
(570)-585-7227  Car is in Clarks Summit, Pa.  Usual

Jim Accordino

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