Lister ROBBED. Let's help. at at
Wed Nov 15 09:55:18 EST 2000
> This unfortunately is not the worst of it. In the car was his backpack. In
> the pack was a daily planner which had credit cards, SS card, all his
> certifications but worst of all every business card, phone number, contact,
> address he had ever collected. Potential employers, list members, parts
> houses, friends, family and so on were part of these numbers.
Nothing against Todd, but isn't this a problem of his own making?
I appreciate what a disaster it can be - I remember a colleague of mine
at Comparex in the UK adopting the 'Time Manager' philosophy to run his
life 100% - seven years in, he left it in a taxi. The effect is
devastating and I agree that a PalmPilot or similar (I've now moved
on to a Nokia Communicator) would be a good idea.
If you want to run an appeal, I think the first and best thing to ask
for would be a redundant PalmPilot or similar. After all, they're not
upgradeable and a good few of us must have old ones lying around that
would be perfectly adequate for Todd - it took me over two years to
exceed the capabilities of a PalmPilot Professional.
$$$ sent to Dan benefit us all, not just one of us - however hard that
one has been hit. Or can we have a collection to pay for my divorce?
Phil Payne
UK Audi quattro Owners Club
Phone +44 7785 302803 Fax: +44 7785 309674
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