Adjustable wastegate adjustment

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at
Wed Nov 15 08:03:05 EST 2000

Have you modified your ECU yet?  Strapped your IC or replaced it with an all
alluminum one?  Replaced or checked your "Michelin Man" IC hose?  I would do
all these things ASAP 

The ECU mod will keep your car running correctly at the high boost pressures
(SMJAutotech sells a true eprom mod or you can have the resistor/diode mod
done or do that one yourself)

Higher boost can blow the endcaps of your IC right off (not a good thing 100
miles from home!).

Same goes for the IC hose....


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	jim green [SMTP:jeg1976 at]
> Sent:	Tuesday, November 14, 2000 9:13 PM
> To:	Quattro list
> Subject:	Re:Adjustable wastegate adjustment
> I just took out my MC spring, put in a KH spring I had
> laying around, and did the adj. wastegate mod and HOLY
> S#$%!!  For $4.80 that is some serious power.  I just
> wish I could crank it down more, but I have to watch
> my mixture for now.  I think 5 more fuel injectors are
> on the horizon.
> =====
> Jim Green, grinning from ear to ear:)
> '89 90tq 
> '88 5kcs parting out, after I dig it out of the snow tomorrow
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