old audi / synthetic oil question...
Ameer Antar
ameer at snet.net
Wed Nov 15 15:57:02 EST 2000
oil, synthetic or conventional, doesn't ruin seals. High mileage and poor
maintenance do. I used synthetic [Mobil1] on my '84 5kT w/ 190k miles on it
w/ no leaks or seal issues. I noticed no difference in how much oil it
used. The car had conventional oil in it prolly since about 160k miles when
I bought it. It's true that synthetic oils can be thinner than the same
weight conventional. But this is actually your benefit. At room temp, the
oil flows more which reduces wear at startup and the synth. high temp
capability is perfect for turbos [maybe even necessary]. Hardened oil is
what seizes turbos...believe me I had to replace mine b/c of the 160k miles
of conventional. Synth will not harden up at those temps, and will give you
much more protection.
Blends are crap b/c they just seem to have the worst of both worlds...thin
and burns quick. There are some oils and additives [don't use additives]
that WILL destroy seals. I'm not sure who makes it, Quaker State or one of
the big ones, that use a chemical which expands the seals meant to help
high mileage engines stop leaks. This works for the first oil change, but
after that the seals turn into goop and leaks everywhere...stay away from
oils meant for high-mileage engines. Pure and simple, all you need is oil
in there, nothing else. Any additives will just increase the chance of
burning. Seriously Full Synthetic oil is the only way to go for
turbos...even N/A cars.
At 03:25 PM 11/15/2000 , you wrote:
>howdy, all...
>searching the archives on this was like searching the word "audi", so i'm
>i have heard mixed reviews of what one would assume to be a very simple
>thing: oil.
>I have an 88 5k turbo quat that i just bought with 216k on it. my
>mechanic, a very talented audi specialist, reccomended that i run dino oil
>or maybe a blend, he claimed higher useage wihh synth oil in high mileage cars.
>The list thinks otherwise...
>The problem is that a few have told me about the possibility of synthetic
>oil causing seal leaks in older cars, that have probably not had synthetic
>for the majority of their lifespan. A good freind had this happen to his
>88 M3 when he got it in 95 (90k) and wound up replacing oil pan and main seals.
>I really want to run synth, but dont want to ruin the seals on the car. If
>i find it leaks, are the seals permanently damaged? or can you switch back
>to dino and call it a day. Are there other circumstances that could have
>led to this leaking? I have heard that synthetics had had a rep for this
>leaking, but htat it's been cleared up...
>Sorrry for beating the dead horse, but i figure better to be cautious than
>thanks much,
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