Rear Stabilizer or Sway Bar

washburn washburn at
Wed Nov 15 21:32:34 EST 2000

If there is a car that could use one, it's my 5000CS TQ Wagon.  Alas,
there is nothing that even remotely looks like one attached to my under
carriage.  Once priority items are done, you can be sure that I will
develope a workable rear bar.  Let me know if you hear of an existing
one.  Thanks!

Pat Washburn

Michael Pederson wrote:
> Does anyone know which, if any, of the earlier larger Audi's (i.e. ?? the
> type 44s) came with a rear stabilizer or sway bar?  This would be in the
> "larger" body style, i.e. the 5000 &/or 100/200 series US model
> designations.
> Has anyone fitted such a car with an after market rear bar?
> Mike

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