floor mats for 4kq; now fogs

Tom Nas tnas at euronet.nl
Thu Nov 16 07:44:19 EST 2000

C1J1Miller at aol.com wrote:

>I bought a set of those factory fogs way back when for my 4kq. The
>instructions say to purchase the new lower grill pre-cut for the fogs, or
>modify your own according to the included instructions. I cut out my own
>grill to fit the fogs, and it looked fine.
>The kit included a relay, some wire, a factory switch, two cheap and fairly
>ordinary fogs with "fox" heads on them, and a couple pieces of painted sheet
>steel. As I recall, the sheet steel was roughly triangular; mounted at one
>side to the bolts holding the lower engine cover in place, and at the other
>side mounted the fogs. You can easily duplicate this kit, other than the
>fancy dash switch, with aftermarket parts and some ingenuity.

Lights with the 'fox' logo are made by SEV Marchal in France.


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