Automatics = Lazy Americans, Was:Re: S8

cobram at cobram at
Thu Nov 16 22:08:27 EST 2000

Per Lindgren <lindgre at> writes:
> No wonder! The general American is too lazy to shift for themselves! 
> Or they
> dont know how to rive a manual transmissioned car! Why else do you 
> think
> that almost all cars have slushboxes on your shores?

Be willing to bet there are more standard shift cars (and nice ones at
that) in the State of California than there are people in the entire
country of Norway.  When given a choice, most people in a given
population, I would venture to say would pick Automatics for their car,
all factors being equal.  It's a matter of convenience, and since the
majority of any population views the car as an appliance, a means of
locomotion,  when you're not straddled with fuel which is 70%  tax you
pick what's most comfortable, powerful  and easy to drive.  I bet if our
government screwed us over on taxes the way yours does,  Americans would
be driving shoebox sized stick shift cars in droves too.  
Driving an automatic doesn't reflect on a populations "lazy" quotient. 
It would probably be much more reasonable to draw such an inference if a
country, oh, lets say, had only half it's population in the workforce.  

Cobram at Juno.Com

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