battery charging

cobram at cobram at
Fri Nov 17 12:23:52 EST 2000

I have no experience with these cig. lighter devices.  But why don't you
just use the jumper posts conviently located under the hood?  I just
jumped the 5KS (kids left radio/interior light on) using the 200TQA, both
of the jumpers hooked up under the hoods.  Sometimes a bit of  a pain to
find a decent ground (on the earlier cars the ground strap works well),
but when you do she sparks right up.  Battery-->battery is the preferred
way, but not always possible when the battery is under the seat and the
car is on a busy street.

Cobram at Juno.Com

Mark Trank <MTrank at> writes:
> Have any listers ever used a battery starter that connects via 
> cigar/rette
> lighters?  I have been called upon a few too many times to jump 
> start a
> stranded motorist and its a huge hassle to access the battery in the 
> 200q's
> back seat (requisite Audi content) in order to do the right thing 
> and assist
> someone.  Last time I had to do this, it was pouring rain, child car 
> seat
> had to be pulled out of the rear seats, etc.  Not fun.  Direct mail 
> outfit
> based here in town advertises a device called an "easy-start jump 
> starter"
> that claims to allow you to jump start your car through the lighter 
> sockets.
> You plug the device into the "donor" car, then into the "dead" car, 
> wait
> five minutes and start the engine.  An LED display is said to 
> confirm
> correct connection and charging.  Cost is about $30.00.  Don't know 
> whether
> the premium is worth it or not.   
> Advice is appreciated, as always.

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