Date experience w/ your Audi?

Block, Paul Paul.Block at
Fri Nov 17 12:40:12 EST 2000

Martin W. N. Suryadarma Wrote:

> How exactly was the reaction of your date towards your Audi? I know, I
> know, the car doesn't matter, but I just wanna know. Does she/he think
> it's cool? It's weird that you drive an old car? No reaction?

If the person you are dating is not overly "Audi savvy", the response will
her:  What kind of car is this again?
you:  An Audi?
her:  Oh... it's really nice.
you:  Thanks.
her:  What year is this?  '95...'96?
you:  Ah, no... it's an '89.
her:  OH WOW, I'd have never guessed it.  It looks really good for an '89.

This is your opening to launch into the typical audi technical speech
telling her how great your type 44 is and how the germans built this car
with this technology soooo many years before the 'merican car companies
could even try to copy some of the features that this beautiful machine has
and why your 12 year old audi is better than most of the new '01 cars
rolling off the lot.  Immediately after this spiel (with her nodding and
smiling) is a great time to push the subject of her trading in her dodge
neon for an older audi ;o)

Good luck with your date.

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