Type 44 Bearing Battle

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Sat Nov 18 20:23:14 EST 2000

A late addition to the front wheel bearing thread.   I got around to the
front wheel bearing on the 5KS today.  Did the job without removing the
strut, using a friends tool, it's called the "Hub Shark" and works
surprisingly well.  
Hoped against hope that I wouldn't need a hub, but of course as soon as I
popped off the hub with a BIG "dent puller",  there was the ridge. 
Luckily the local parts wholesaler delivers on Saturday, as the 1st
bearing was the wrong size (outside diameter too large),  after putting
in the second bearing, went to drive in the hub and the hub was too
large...no, wait, it's the inside diameter of the bearing that's too
small.  Pop that bearing out, on the third bearing was the correct one,
drove in the hub and all looked good.  
UNTIL I went to tighten the caliper bolts and the top one SNAPS in half
while tightening.  Vice grips and 20 minutes to remove remains of bolt,
luckily had a Mercyless Benz torsion bar bolt handy (it's 19mm but thread
is the same).  Uneventful in 5KS terms, I just wonder if there will ever
be anything I do to this car which doesn't involve a deviation from the
game plan.   Only good thing about getting the wrong bearing twice is
that the second one was part of a bearing kit, which contained new ball
joint bolt, nut, circlips and axel nut, it was defintily worth the
aggravation of getting the wrong part to get these little trinkets
Next week it's the subframe bushings...if I can remember where I put

Cobram at Juno.Com

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