A4 16-inch OEM wheel offset

Chuck Reisig creisig at home.com
Sun Nov 19 13:10:08 EST 2000

What you probably have is an A8 5 spoke wheel.  They are virtually
identical in appearance.  The A4 wheel has a 45mm offset, while the A8
wheel has a 37mm offset ( guess what, 8mm=about 1/3").  I believe they
are made by Speedline.  Part numbers are on inside of wheel, along with
offset.  A8 wheel p/n is 4D0 601 025 L,  37mm offset.  A4 wheel p/n is
8D0 601 025 C, 45mm offset.

Chuck Reisig
Reston, VA
'90 V8q, 68k

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