Where to start with old URQ

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 20 18:02:09 EST 2000

Of course,
  Then there are those of us that say,
Start off with an MC transplant.  Or at least if you have an
83-84 go to a newer style fuse box and relay everything.

--- DGraber460 at aol.com wrote:
> Your probably going to get as many opinions as there are
> listers, but I have 
> spent the last year and a half putting back together a car
> that was left for 
> dead.
> One thing I keep running into is the electronics. The sensors
> (ALL of them) 
> are critical to the proper output from the ECU. The smallest
> of variances 
> from any one of these can send things into an imbalance that
> masks itself in 
> many different symptoms. Scott Mockry's site is the best
> source for 
> troubleshooting all those little demons.
> E-mail me off list, if you want, about specific items that
> gave me sleepless 
> nights.
> Good luck.
> It is worth it by the way.
> Dennis
> Denver

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