Lister ROBBED. (Todds thoughts, Long)

Todd Phenneger tquattroguy at
Mon Nov 20 18:29:46 EST 2000

Heya everyone,
  I just hopped back on here after a week of being very busy. 
(ya know, canceling cards, calling credit agencies, in between
work and a trip to seattle)  So I just became aware of Shaynes
request from the list.  I figured I'd offer my thoughts.  FOr
those of you (Esp Shayne for thinking of it) that offered to
contribute, THank you VERY much.  I appreciate the thought.  I
think Shayn's idea of me getting a Palm is a good one.  I
usually consider myself organized, just old fashioned.  I keep
everything in files, folders etc.  Unfortunately those files got
stolen.  Call me stupid for keeping them in my car that day. 
Bad timing, I guess.  Stupid for not making copies, I guess.
  Anyhow, having a Digi copy on computer would be nice.  And
after this I think I will always do that.  But on a College
budget, buying a Palm Pilot wasnt at the top of my list.  (Not
that cars should have been but FWIW my Turbo conversion cost me
like $200 and I needed a new engine anyhow)  So please dont
critisize me for not having a Palm Pilot and not being
  As for the attacks on SHayne, he is a good friend that I
respect and I think is one of the nicest and most giving people
I know.  As is his entire Family.  I haven't read all the
E-mails but I read a few and know that some people (only some)
seemed to really flame him for suggesting it.  I can see Phils
point of funds being better appropriated toward the list.  But I
dont think a flaming and critisizing was needed.  Shayne means
well and when I first read his message I felt very good that
someone cared.
  Anyhow, I'll shut my trap now.  But thanks to everyone that
offered to help.  Its much appreciated.  I have had a CD wallet,
coat, shoes, etc lifted from my car before when I left it un
attended for a bit last summer.  Wont do that again.  And I AM
buying an Alarm now.  These were probably amatures and wouldnt'
have happend with an alarm as they would have just gone to
another car.  Also, Quarter windows sucked.  All three cars that
night were entered through one.  I think I want real windows
now.  If anyone does have a Palm available for cheap, I'd love
to get my hands on one.  Some lister offered one I think and
I'll try to find your message and contact you.
(A few more thoughts.)  
The kicker here is two fold.

1)  last week (week before theft actually) I called and
activated full coverage of vehicle.  (wouldnt cover contents,
thats now covered under renters though)  But they didn't get the
message.  My insurance sends confirmation via mail.  I was going
to call next day if I didn't get confirmation.  Guess what, they
have no record of me asking for insurance.  They have record of
me getting pricing info but say I didn't request it.  Fuck.  I
hate insurance companies.   But nothing I can do.  I THOGHT I
was insured.  

2) I could really care less about the Stereo.  Its just money. 
I can buy more later when I save up some.  BUt I want my Damn
planner back.  I knw they say you shouldn't leave wallets, etc
in cars.  But I think we all do at times.  My backpack had my
life in it.
  Hence Shayne's request.
Thanks again for your suggestion Shayne and the offers of those
that did.  I do appreciate it.  On the Bright side, The car is
fixable, and if I go into optimistic mode.  The Thief cut his
hand ont he window.  :-)    And 1/2 the stollen CD's were
burned.  (But alas, he got plenty real ones).   AND...Thanks to
the list, I've probably saved more over the last 5 years of
ownership than I lost in the theft.  That is consoling.
  Best of luck to everyone.
I hate Thiefs.
   Todd (emotionally scarred 4ktq sitting in driveway)

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