Best traffic (was RE: Type 44 Outside Rear View Mirrors)

Beatty, Robert BeattyR at
Tue Nov 21 11:50:35 EST 2000

I spent 8 years in california and a year in TX and 6 months in denver (but
that was before the big boom of the 90's) and I'd have to say the best
traffic is California with Texas right behind it.  In CA for the most part
people get in line for the exits and dont zoom to the sign that says exit
109 and then try and cut everyone in line like they do here in New England.
They pay attention to who is behind them and move over to let you pass.
They just have the BIGGEST traffic jams cause they have the biggest highways
and even then they arent enough to handle rush hour.

Texas was quite nice and would be 1st in my opinion, except for the fact
that at least around San Antonio... everyone STOPS at the end of the ON RAMP
to a highway... its a YIELD NOT A STOP SIGN... if you couldnt tell that
annoyed the hell out of me so they get 2nd place in my book.. other than
that it was great there... esp on 2ndary highways... trucks and cars move
into the breakdown lane and let you pass even before you get close to
them... very very polite. :)


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Thomas Donohue [SMTP:donohue at]
> Sent:	Tuesday, November 21, 2000 11:17 AM
> I'm from FAR western MA and I can't stand Boston or RI traffic!  To me,
> Philadelphia is the most civilized city for driving.  I'm down there about
> once a month and do a lot of other travelling too. ( Some of you may
> remember a thread about my previous 89 200q Avant that I sold in August
> with
> 350,000 miles on it.)   I recently replaced the broken passenger side
> mirror
> on my 91 200a20v Avant with an earlier one and am having a hard time
> adjusting to the flat field of view.  Probably will be looking for a
> convex
> replacement sometime.  ( My .02 too.)
> At 10:29 AM 11/21/2000 -0500, you wrote:
> >I'm from western MA, but I seem to be the only person around here who
> >doesn't mind driving in Boston traffic.  New York is pretty sucky, but
> >Boston isn't too bad.  I think Hartford is worse then Boston.  Dallas is
> >one of the best as far as I'm concerned.  They have highways that circle
> >the city to lessen traffic downtown.
> >
> >-My 1.5 cents.
> >
> >"Beatty, Robert" wrote:
> >
> >> >  Driving around Boston, it's too easy to play bumper
> >> > cars.
> >> >
> >> > Kent McLean
> >> > '89 200 TQ, which sometimes starts normally
> >> >
> >> >
> >> I thought that was the idea in Boston??? :)
> >>
> >> Rob
> >>
> >> In RI/Central mass .... NO TRAFFIC :)
> >
> >

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