Off to get married, be back in a few weeks

Paul Heneghan paul at
Wed Nov 22 00:21:42 EST 2000

> From: JShadzi at
> Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 13:52:26 EST
>     Hey all, I have a big weekend coming up!  I am getting
> married of Sat. the 25th, and off to Jamaica for 8 nights . . .

> . . .I fought off insistant efforts from my motherinlaw and others who
> my bride and I to leave the wedding in a wallowing Limo or a fluffy horse
> carriage.  You will all be proud to know that we will be zooming off in my
80qt, 3"
> exhaust and all.
> Javad Shadzi
> 80qt with 18's!!
> End of quattro Digest

That brings me back to July 1990 - our wedding car was our 1984 Audi 80q -
looked stunning, even with the silly ribbons.  There was no way anyone was
getting me into a stodgy Roller or Bently.  I might have been persuaded by
an E-type though!

Good luck Javad.  Hope the day is wonderful for the two of you.


p.s. We still have the 80q - looks a little tired now, but still a very
enjoyable car to drive.

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