Brake fluid change / brake bleeding at at
Wed Nov 22 10:55:50 EST 2000

> I have owned my '92 100S for 4+ years, and have never changed the brake
> fluid as of yet. Bentley specifies every 2 years, and for all I know, mine
> maybe original. Paging through Bentley, they make it look like the fluid
> change / bleeding process is very simple. The only thing they mention to do
> "special" is to make sure the brake pressure regulator's lever is pushed
> towards the rear axle when bleeding the rear brakes (unless you have
> ABS+EDL, then the procedure is more involved). I remember a thread awhile
> back that mentioned that bleeding ABS equipped cars was not simple due to
> the high pressure used in the lines. I did not see an answer then, so is
> this true? Would I be better off to have a shop do this for me? Or can I
> just open the bleeder screws at all 4 wheels and use my MityVac to suck out
> all the fluid, refill w/ fresh DOT 4 fluid, and bleed the brakes? Also, any
> opinions on the best brake fluid to use? I use Castrol LMA (low moisture
> absorption) DOT 4 on my vintage British cars, but is it OK for the Audi?
> Anyone switch to DOT 5 silicone fluid? Any reasons to try those Racing Blue
> type fluids? Any opinions greatly appreciated.

Bleeding ABS cars is no different to bleeding other cars.  Make sure the
master cylinder is open (yard broom against pedal and head rest) and
pressure bleed - the MityVac is difficult to use on Audi's brakes.

A Gunson Eezi-Bleed will cost less than a cinema ticket and works just

 Phil Payne
 UK Audi quattro Owners Club
 Phone +44 7785 302803   Fax: +44 7785 309674

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