Off to get married, be back in a few weeks

Steve Marinello smarinello at
Wed Nov 22 10:04:46 EST 2000

Talk about bringing back memories.  When I got married over a decade ago, my
'83 urq was to be our getaway car.  My new sister-in-law, who was dating a
cop, and some of our good friends had some ideas about that.  The car was
shoe-polished with ditties, cans were attached, front and back, along with
streamers of multiple sorts.  But the kicker was the cop that came by,
arrested us and handcuffed us together.  And they actually thought that
would stop us!  

Luckily, they attached us with my right wrist to Ann's we climbed
in through the passenger door, fired it up and took off to looks of utter
disbelief!  Yes, she was still in her wedding gown!  We drove a few blocks
and around the corner to where there was a street side little mall area with
tables and trash cans...and removed some of the stuff that was dragging
under from the front.  Figured I could pick the cuffs when we made it back
to the apartment; if not, on to the police station.  When we got to the
apartment, sister-in-law and boyfriend were there looking anxious.  They'd
put out an APB on us and we couldn't be found, so everyone started freaking.
But we got out of the cuffs and the rest is history...and memories.


> From: "Paul Heneghan" <paul at>
> Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 00:21:42 -0000
> To: <quattro at>
> Cc: <JShadzi at>
> Subject: RE: Off to get married, be back in a few weeks
>> From: JShadzi at
>> Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 13:52:26 EST
>> Hey all, I have a big weekend coming up!  I am getting
>> married of Sat. the 25th, and off to Jamaica for 8 nights . . .
>> . . .I fought off insistant efforts from my motherinlaw and others who
> wanted
>> my bride and I to leave the wedding in a wallowing Limo or a fluffy horse
> and
>> carriage.  You will all be proud to know that we will be zooming off in my
> 80qt, 3"
>> exhaust and all.
>> Javad Shadzi
>> 80qt with 18's!!
>> End of quattro Digest
> That brings me back to July 1990 - our wedding car was our 1984 Audi 80q -
> looked stunning, even with the silly ribbons.  There was no way anyone was
> getting me into a stodgy Roller or Bently.  I might have been persuaded by
> an E-type though!
> Good luck Javad.  Hope the day is wonderful for the two of you.
> Paul
> p.s. We still have the 80q - looks a little tired now, but still a very
> enjoyable car to drive.

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