PCR-QCUSA Virginia International Raceway 2001 event -- April 2-3, 2001

Jon Linkov njconn at email.msn.com
Thu Nov 23 12:36:09 EST 2000

Hi everyone -

The PCR-QCUSA VIR event is set for April 2-3, 2001. Registration for the
event is $275 per person and includes, at the least, 4 20-minute runs per
day, event t-shirt, and admission to the event banquet.

This is a QCUSA event, so you'll have to be a QCUSA member to attend. BUT,
you can join the club when you sign up for the event. This is just like PCA,
BMWCCA, etc, which insist that you either join the club or pay a greater
fee, and not something that only QCUSA does.

We're using the full 3.25 mile track, which is a beauty. I haven't see it,
but Dr. John Sullivan, the chief instructor for the event, has told me it is

We will be shooting for about 30 instructors for the event and can handle
about 100 attendees. The full course, I have been told, can hold almost 40
cars at one time, so we won't even test that.

Anyhow, the URL below my name will have an on-line application by Sunday,
November 26. Please fill it out and mail it in (we don't have secure
transactions) as soon as you can. we are running this event by ourselves, so
your money (at least the first 10 people) covers our deposit! ;-)

Feel free to e-mail me with any questions or concerns. I hope some people
from the various QCUSA regions can make it as well. It is well worth the
trip and the hotels in the region seem to be very affordable. Food is
probably fairly cheap, as well.  For those not familiar with VIR, go to

Thanks again!

njconn at mail.com
'96 A4q

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