Halfords rotor arms

Paul Heneghan paul at heneghan.co.uk
Thu Nov 23 23:27:31 EST 2000

> From: Graham Thackrah <ggthack at swansea.ac.uk>
> Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 13:44:42 +0000

> . . .Also got a new vac advance unit that'll get fitted sometime soon
> and we'll see if that lets me get more than 400 miles to the tank.

The only way I can get more than 400 miles out of my 80q is to get my wife
to drive it!

10 years ago when she used to drive it daily to work (20 miles away), she
would regularly get over 450 miles per tank.  That's better than 30mpg (and
I'm talking about 'proper' UK gallons here).  Over the years, the mpg has
dropped a little, and combined with the fact that my workplace is only four
miles away, the best I can do is about 380 miles per tank (only 25mpg).

I think at this stage, the best way of improving things is to give it a new
set of injectors (any listers know any way of rejuvenating old ones - old
means 150k miles plus).  I've also got the JC Whitney pressure gauge - when
the weather improves, I'll give it a go.


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