I broke the fuel line!!! Help!

Paul Heneghan paul at heneghan.co.uk
Thu Nov 23 23:37:16 EST 2000

> Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 12:33:53 -0500
> From: Martin Suryadarma <msuryadarma at wesleyan.edu>
> Hi everyone.
> I was changing my 89 Audi 100's fuel filter this morning with a friend.
> I accidentally broke one of the fuel lines. . .
> . . . I'm thinking of getting a rubber hose or some sort and push it
> the broken pipe for emergency fix. Is that a good idea?

> . . .

> For replacing the fuel line itself, how hard is it? I looked in the family
> album and it doesn't seem that long, but I'm not sure. If I can replace it
> without going under the car, that would be even better.

My fuel line developed a pin hole last summer.  It was just underneath the
driver's seat (RHD car) and when I undid the clip and pulled the pipe down
to see what was going on, the drip developed into an impressive spray -

I considered replacing the entire pipe and was put off for a couple of
reasons.  Number one was cost.  I didn't even bother finding out how much
the replacement pipe would be - I knew it would be very pricey.  Number two
was ease of removal and replacement.  I took an old Audi 100 to bits years
ago and I remember how cramped it was round the petrol tank.  Also the steel
pipe is very difficult to bend.

In the end, I got a short length of high-pressure fuel hose of the correct
internal diameter (8mm?) and cut out the bad bit of fuel pipe and put the
rubber sleeve over it with two jubilee clips either side.  Very successful,
very cheap and also very easy.  Phil et al might not approve, but for an old
car it was the pragmatic solution.


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