climate control for 89 200Q

Stephen Bigelow sbigelow at
Sun Nov 26 14:38:56 EST 2000

Lets start with the cheap fixes first...

*Carefully* check the solder connections for the solenoids on the circuit
board inside the programmer, and resolder as required.

Puts some contact enhancer on the electrical connector from the CC head

> I have had many problems with the automatic climate
> control on three different audi 5000's. Things like
> 1)heat won't shut off, 2) air conditioning will not
> blow out the vents, ect. The dealer attributes these
> to the electronic module behind the glove box which
> must be replaced for about $400.
> Does anyone know if these modules can be repaired or
> electrically bypassed so that the climate can be
> controled manually?
> Thanks,
> Dave
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