APEXi and other boost controllers

Orin Eman orin at WOLFENET.com
Sun Nov 26 23:47:50 EST 2000

> > Hello,
> > 
> > I've been driving my '88 5kcstq fairly regularly now.  I'm enjoying the
> > car.  Since nothing has broken yet, I was thinking of chipping it
> > soon.  Fuel consumption really seems to suck tho'.  Between the
> > full mark and the first part of the red on the gauge, I'm getting like
> > 250 miles.  I haven't done the math with the receipts I have to see
> > what actual mileage is.
> I have the 1.8bar boost chip, same car, and I am regularly getting 280
> mile per tank. I drive about 99% freeway, and don't get on it ttooo much
> :)

I regularly get over 400 miles out of an 86 5kcsq, running 1.8 bar.
Even for the lead-footed, 280 a tank is bad.  I'd think it's
running really rich.


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