vortex batts

Todd Young tyoung at wamnet.com
Mon Nov 27 08:23:24 EST 2000

Funny, the original design is from Optima Batteries. Since then Excide
has made one like it, and now Champion is making one.

My opinion. As long as it's made by a reputable battery manufacturer, go
for the best price.

And yes they are great batteries. No venting required. Lighter weight.
AND can be mounted in ANY position, even upside-down(at least that is
what Optima claims).

> Anyone seen this battery? Looks promising. Info can be obtained at:
> http://www.gnb.com/consumer/auto.html
Life's a beach. Dig your toes into the sand and enjoy.
Todd Young 		WAM!NET Inc.
tyoung at wamnet.com	655 Lone Oak Drive, Bldg #A
651-256-5051		Eagan, MN 55121
800-585-1133 ext.5051	http://www.wamnet.com/
'93 Audi 90S (|___\====OOOO====/___|)

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