Small Projector Lights that really work?

Richard Quinlan richq at
Mon Nov 27 21:17:07 EST 2000

They are Xenon.  Euro's ARE cheap compared to Xenon's.  My Euro's were
$400/pr, Xenon's were $1300.

Rich Quinlan

'97 Audi A4 1.8tqms in Pearl - (weekend fun car) - More mods than you can
shake a wastegate rod at - currently down, but not out!
'01 Toyota Tacoma S-Runner in Black - (commuter, but a blast!) - loaded

"Forget world peace - Visualize using your TURN SIGNAL" - Quinland - my Audi page

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Chris Dyer
Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 12:33 AM
To: quattro at
Subject: Fwd: Re: Small Projector Lights that really work?

Prices? Are these available in the US?
If "cheap", I'd love to install these instead of spending mega$$$ on euros
for my '87 5kcstq.

>From: Per Lindgren <lindgre at>
>To: VWAudiPorscheNut at, quattro at
>Subject: Re: Small Projector Lights that really work?
>Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 23:37:45 +0100
>I just saw that Hella has launched a new set of projector Xenon driving
>lights in
>the Micro DE series. They already have Halogen fog lights in this series,
>so you
>got a complete set there! The Fogs for low beams and the Xenon drivings for
>Check out
>I too would like a set of these on my car, but I fear the price. I'd figure
>least $350 for the set of two. The Micro DE Fogs (Halogens) is about $100
>here in Norway.
>92 Cab 2.3
>VWAudiPorscheNut at wrote:
> > Do any of you have any of those small projector style driving lights
> > I didnt say FOG light)? I want to use a set in a project, but I want to
> > how well 4 of them on at once would work for the sole lighting of the
>car at
> > night.....
> >
> > Jay
> >
> > 1977 924 (full tilt, 2029cc, elgin cam,msds header,two mikuni phh 44mm
> > 2100lbs,944 brakes, roll bar, 150HP....)
> > 1988 Jetta GL (everyday Deutsch flog-hound)
> > 1983 Ford Ranger 4x4 V6 (WHAT? a FORD!sorry VAG doesnt MAKE a truck....)

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