87 5k tq

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Tue Nov 28 14:55:02 EST 2000

Something stuck "on" and ran the battery down over the two days or the 
starter needs servicing.  Try a jump start from a good power source or try 
charging the battery with a charger that lets you know what condition the 
battery is in when you begin charging.

At 12:54 PM 11/28/2000 -0500, wilson at wcax.com wrote:

>Revived this car after sitting for a year, new battery -550 
>cranking-started ok--left it a couple of days, been wet outside, all 
>electrics seems to work, chimes, lights, etc, but starter won't turn-just 
>a click. What's the diagnotic proceedure ?
>George Wilson
>wilson at wcax.com

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