V8 Wheels -- gold package, bent up, heavy

Theron J. Bliss tbliss at mestek.com
Wed Nov 29 10:02:41 EST 2000

What I meant is that they make nice wheels, but they have cheaper grades of
wheels as well.  I have 3 BBS wheels in my garage right now, that the lip is
cracked and separated.

TM wrote:

> Um, no offense, but the forged magnesium BBS wheels used in racing
> have absolutely no correlation to the similar-looking cast BBS wheels
> that comprise the majority of the BBS wheels sold for road cars.
> BBS wheels tend to be a bit soft. They don't usually crack, though,
> which, IMHO, is much worse.
> Maybe I'm nit-picking, but your statement sounds a bit contradictory.
> How can they be top-notch wheels if they use inferior casting and forging
> methods? That can only hurt one's reputation, not enhance it.
> Taka

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